Our Services

Comprehensive Care for Your Journey

Mama Mia Midwifery provides complete maternity care throughout your pregnancy, delivery and postpartum period. Prenatal visits are scheduled for up to an hour out of our home office. Care typically starts at about 8-10 weeks of pregnancy with visits occurring monthly until 28 weeks. From 28 weeks until 36 weeks visits are every 2 weeks. 36 weeks marks the delivery countdown, and we will see you weekly until your little one makes his/her debut! During this time, we are here for you 24/7 as needed and you will have access to us personally for urgent questions and emergencies. 

Our Services 

The Home Visit

Between 36-37 weeks of pregnancy, your birth team will come to your home or intended place of delivery for in depth prenatal appointment. You will be provided a birth kit at this visit, and we will discuss how to prepare for the birth. 

Delivery and Postpartum

Following the birth of your baby, your birth team will typically stay 2-4 hours. During this time, we facilitate bonding, encourage and help with breastfeeding, complete a thorough newborn exam, monitor vital signs for mother and baby and overall make sure the recovery process is going smoothly. This process is not rushed and barring any medical concerns requiring action on our part, we will leave mom and baby as undisturbed as possible during the first hour following birth; this is the golden hour. 

Three postpartum visits are included in your care; the first occurs at 48 hours post birth in your home, followed by a 2 week and a 6- week final visit in the office. For more information and details about these visits, please contact us for a consultation. 

Prenatal Care Only 

We do offer prenatal care only for those who desire midwifery care during pregnancy and plan to deliver in the hospital. The schedule of visits and communication availability with the midwife will be the same as our home-birth clients. We do not attend your delivery in the hospital, but if you wish to hire us for a supporting role as a doula, this can be discussed during prenatal visits based on our availability for the month you are due. 

Initial Visit: $350.00 

Routine Prenatal Visit: $80.00 per visit 

Hospital Support/Doula (based on availability) $1500.00

Labor checks (outside of prenatal appointments) are not provided for prenatal only clients.

Additional Services and Fees

  • FMLA Paperwork: $50.00
  • IUD Removal: $100.00
  • Proof of Pregnancy (Non-Clients): $25.00
  • Well-Woman Visit: $350.00

Fees and Payment Details

Global Fees (Inclusive of maternity care, delivery, and postpartum):

  • Standard Home Birth: $7000.00 (Includes $1200.00 registration fee due at the first appointment.)
  • VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean): $7500.00                                                          Note: A consultation with an MD is required in Florida for a trial of labor after a C-section. Fee: $200.00, payable directly to the consulting physician.